Every morning I awaken early, very early, usually between 4:30AM and 6:00AM. I love my alone time, my quiet time. I awaken the dogs, turn on the lanai lights, open both lanai side doors and force the dogs out. Many times, they'd rather stay curled up and snoozing, but I like my routines. Doggie potty time is first thing and that's just how it is. Too bad if you'd rather sleep and dream doggie dreams. While dogs potty, I make my coffee. I leave the sliders open for the dogs and they do their thing outside and scamper back in. Then, it's Milk bone time, always Taffy first (she's Alpha dog and I always reinforce that for her so the others get no ideas about a hostile takeover as she ages...11 this year...wow!), Rico second, Poncho, the baby, last. Taffy runs with her bone to the sofa by the stairway. Rico goes under the kitchen table. Poncho goes to the rug in front of the cooktop. It never ever varies. They like it this way. I like it this way. No surprises.
I turn on the computer. While it boots up, I pour my first mug of coffee, always Eight O'Clock Coffee. I've been drinking that brand for almost forty-five years, ever since the old A&P on East Main Street, New Britain days. Why mess with success? I add one demitasse spoonful of Stevia and a quick splash of Sweet Italian Coffee Mate Creamer. I inhale the aroma. I love the smell of coffee. It represents everything good and safe...home, warmth, quiet, serenity, the sun rising once again assuring me that no matter what else happens in life, the dark night ends and we get a new start. Amazing, isn't it? No way the non-aroma of tea could do that for me. I travel the interwebs until the Today Show starts at 7AM. I've been doing that since I was in high school. When I was in college, I made sure not to schedule any classes until at least 9AM. I had to have my Today Show fix.
John appears between 7:20 and 7:30AM, all showered and squeaky clean. He never varies his time either. He makes his tea, walks out the front door to retrieve the newspaper. He drinks tea and reads the paper. I watch the soft news of Matt Lauer, Samantha Guthrie and Al Roker. I still miss Ann Curry, such a class act and beautiful, kind woman. Another day together begins...safe, warm, easy and serene. My daughter often asks if we are bored. Silly young woman, not yet mature enough to understand how full our lives really are and that there is a difference between contentment and boredom.
It's warm here and has been warm for a long time now, a very mild winter. This morning, after the sun rose and a little bit of fog lifted, I surveyed my flower pots and beds...join me and see what I see...(place cursor on individual photos to enlage also, there is an icon on the bottom left to view full screen)