The Village People???

It sometimes seems difficult to write here. I hate feeling that I just babble for the sake of babbling. That being said, here goes some babbling...
I am who I am. We're living in an RV park now. It's a three month gig. We've been here since December 27th. There are 106 sites in this place. It is not an RV resort. It is, however,perhaps a microcosim of America these days. They are a handful of permanent residents, mostly living in really run down old motorhomes that probably don't even run. There are two families with children who catch the school bus. Then, there are quite a few people living in trailers/motorhomes who go off to work each day, some construction-type guys, a male traveling nurse who has contracted for three months with one of the local hospitals and others. The rest of the people are snowbirds, retired northerners seeking winter warmth. I've met a few people. Here though,it's a lot like other places. People say hello if they pass by, but it's really hard to get to know anyone. Everyone either works or is temporary and some place else is home, friends are someplace else. Even though I have my same old friends here because this city IS our home and I have that to fall back upon, I didn't like how this place felt.
Today, I spoke to the two women who live close to me here. One is from upstate NY, the other from Canada. I asked them what they thought about trying to organize a pot luck supper. Both were enthuiastic. I went to the office and asked the owner if it was OK to do it and if we could use the clubhouse big room. The owner was thrilled and said she'd be thrilled and would print fliers I made etc.. So, we're slated for Jan. 15th. I've got a draft poster and fliers. I've got my initial social committe of three. Why should we spend the winter as 106 strangers when we could each broaden our horizons a bit a widen our circles of acquaintances, if only temporarily? Isn't that what sharing thew human experience is all about? I'll let you know how it all turns out. I can't help myself, I like forming villages...

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