The Cat, The Bag, The Story

I've been waiting since February 11th to write this here. I've tried to be patient. I am glad the wait is over. We have bought a new home. I didn't want to share the news until our offer was accepted. The home was a short sale meaning, in this country, that it is pre-forclosure and that the bank must approve a sale amount less than what is owed on the house. In this particular case, the bank agreed to accept three hundred thousand dollars less than is owed on the mortgage. Bad for them, good for us. Because we are dealing with a bank, the whole process is sloooooooooowwwwwwww.
We have been house hunting since December. We saw zillions of homes. Finally we decided on the neighborhood above. It is about 3/4 completed. The houses were first built in late 2006. There were no resales. We met with the developer's staff, chose a model, a lot and options and were going to build once we sold our house. There were no resales as the homes are too new. A few nights after we did all of this, I stumbled across the county courthouse list for upcoming forclosures. I saw a home in THE development. The next morning I called a realtor who advertised as specializing in short sales and forecloures. We looked at the house the same day and made the offer. The offer was the same as the price of the new build. It is 1500 sq ft larger, has a pool and is on the best lot in the development. It seemed a no brainer to us. Time will tell.... I took some photos of the house the day we looked at it. They appear below. They aren't very good, but they are what I've got. It is sad to see a house abandoned. I wish the house could talk.

Reader Comments (2)
So thrilled for you, you must have heard shortly after we spoke. Now for the hectic time, wishing you luck and fun sorting it out. It looks really great prospect just hope the pool and its complicated machinery isn't damaged in any way. Know things dont like being stood, my camper being a painfully expensive example of that.
Congrats ... I can just imagine what it will look like when you have put your "special touch" on it and make it home!