And the Winner Is...

I write this with a humble heart filled with gratitude and a sincere appreciation for life. I saw the oncologist yesterday. I am again manufacturing white blood cells. My levels are not yet normal, but they are climbing. I feel better. The sweats and the headaches have stopped although I am still somewhat fatigued.
This is the theory as to what happened. I take the IVIG infusions to supress my immune system. Some people take IVIG to boost their immune system because it is weakened. To quote my doctor, "You have the Rotweiller of immune systems. It is constantly on guard and wants to attack invaders. It is termed a hypervigilant immune system. If there are no invaders, it will attack whatever it can, in your case, the myelin sheath lining your nerves." When I get the IVIG antibodies, it is to flood my system and wipe out those Rotweiller antibodies (anti-antibodies) that I make. Conceptually it's like chemo treatment for cancer that has to wipe out everything to wipe out the cancer cells and then rebuild. Fortunately, I am healthy and knocking out the white blood cells destroyed them, but I am capable (we now know) of manufacturing more. I just have a critical period where I haven't made enough white blood cells yet and it can be very dangerous. But we're aware of it now and can take precautions.
The only real question now is whether the IVIG does me enough good to make it worth taking the risk. I decided not to think about that one today. I mean, if Scarlett O'Hara can think about it tomorrow, why the heck can't I? Instead, I made a Zuni Cafe Roasted Chicken. It's really really easy and is very chicken-dependent. I promise I'll write it up soon. And furthermore, I will deny I ever said this's better than a COSTCO rotisserie chicken in that unlike the COSTCO the Zuni chicken skin is crisp crisp crisp while the meat is tender tender tender. And No, Dr. Federman I did not eat any of that crispy, scrumptious, tingle your every tastebud chicken skin. I know my cholesterol is way high and that why you give me Prevastatin. I was just ummmm you know, saying it about the skin....
Thanks especially to all of you for being so very kind to me and so very supportive. I truly am humbled by you. Now, I am going to take a nap and will try my hand at a corn pudding later.
PS: If I owe you an email::::waving at Holly and Jill:::I promise I will get to it soon.