A Bumpy Ride

We arrived in Jersey 2 hours late yesterday after a mere 30 minute flight over the English Channel in a little plane with propellers. It's a lovely flight because you can see everything on the ground/water the entire way. It was somewhat bouncy, but I loved it.
The weather here upon arrival was very wet and very rainy, and very very windy. We took a brief scenic ride, but were blown about so much, we opted for home.
Nephew Jack Singh Gill was still stuck in Guernsey. He had been due home by ferry on Sunday. He finally arrived at 8:30PM last night and said the ferry from UK to Guernsey (which was as far as they could make it Sun. from UK) was a nightmare with huge waves crashing over the ferry bow and people vomiting everywhere. Jack and his mate chose to hotel it on Guernsey until the ferry was able to leave for Jersey at 5PM last night.
The sun has just risen here and I am the only one awake, except for Peaches the cat who is avoiding me because I had the audacity to step on her tail as she lay totally sprawled across a stair as I creeped down in the pitch dark a while ago. She howled and scared the heck out of me. It's quite dreary looking, a bit blowy and a bit of rain. We may end up giving France a pass...time will tell.

Reader Comments (1)
Glad you got there after all the will we, wont wes. H
ope the sun stays out for the rest of your stay there, and the wind eases. Have a good time and watch out for the cat's tail! Jill