Fig Tree

Random Photo of the Day: My beloved baby Fig Tree
I love figs. I don't love them as much for their taste, although I eat them often, as I do for their appearance. I think figs are beautiful, especially when cut, with their lovely green insides and rich deep purple outsides. Their is nothing lovelier than some halved figs sitting next to some cuts of Brie or a pretty slab of creamy white cheddar and a slim baguette of fresh French bread. I didn't eat figs until I was middle aged and had developed a palate that could discern, appreciate and savor fine food. I discovered fresh figs, fine cheeses and to die for bread at the same time that I discovered France. There has been no turning back.
We live a somewhat Spartan furniture existence in this new home of ours. All of our furniture is still at the house on the other coast. We bought some essentials for here...a kitchen table and six chairs, a new bed for us, a large sectional sofa for the great room and Stacie brought her beds and personal belongings. We used the dishes, pots and pans and cutlery from the RV. We had some towels from the RV and that's about it.
It was all very distressing. I was distracted from my interior distress however by all the exterior work that needed to be done with the yard, the flower beds and the pool. The only way that I know how to accomplish things is to just start by putting one foot in front of the other and plodding I did. It was hot as Hades and the work never ending. I found salvation and happiness one Sunday morning at the local flea market. I stopped by a stall selling plants. It was run by a nice Mexican man. I perused. He asked what I was looking for and I replied, "Oh, something to soothe my soul." He said, "What you like?" I said, "I'd love a fig tree. Do you have one? Alas, he did not, but he said if I came back the next Sunday, he'd have a fig tree for me. I did and he did, but it was so small. I looked askance at it and the man quickly said, "Senora, look, she have babies already" and pointed out the tiny green nubs appearing on the foot tall tree. I paid four dollars for my fig tree and brought it home. I planted it and mulched it and bought a pretty little fence for it to protect it from the lawn man and his speed demon riding mower. I weed it and water it and speak to it a lot. The nubs grow. I dream of recipes to make featuring figs.
I've completed the main front flower bed, buying many new plants and shrubs. The plants and flowers and trees make a house a home. I feel better now, more settled. I am slowly making this new place our home. My astrological sign is Cancer, the crab. I have read that Cancers are home bodies, they carry their shell on their back, thus making any place they go their home. For me, I think this is true...

Reader Comments (2)
I always wanted an olive tree and a fig bush, managed to get both last year although they are minatures. Olive was safely tucked in the greenhouse but fig hadn't made it that far. Early frost so not sure how healthy it was as it was barrowed to the greenhouse. Have a fantastic first course with figs etc, believe it has to have rosary ash goats cheese, will try and look it out. Trouble is with first courses they are too filling and moreish. Will have to organise a first course meal. Also, brings to mind a beetroot, walnut etc first course again rather filling. Trouble is the talk of french bread and things has left me drooling. Do you like figs cut in half, drizzled with honey and grilled? Good thing its nearly lunchtime.
We have a lovely, bright blue day here but have problems trying to walk the dogs at present. Cole has a bad shoulder so its six weeks lead walking which includes any activity in the garden. Jazz has an arthriitic paw and have been told he needs heat to keep him comfortable. Cole is supposed to have ice on his shoulder. Just picture me trying to walk with a labrador hitched to a hot water bottle and wsd attached to an ice pack! Which means a jealous bc skipping and trying to herd us with a mass of grass poking from his mouth, looking like green whiskers! lol Jill
Think you should cut off the leaf with the black spots, just in case. Jill