New Neighbors and Other things

We've been in our new home for almost three weeks.
We, encompasses John, Me, daughter Stacie and grandsons soon-to-be eight year old Preston and nine year old, Zach. Six days after we moved in, step-daughter Louise, her husband David and their fifteen year old Harry arrived from the UK. Our boys here immediately fell in love with Harry. He is wonderful with the younger boys.
Harry and Preston look like brothers.
Three Happy Monkeys
Louise and David Love the Pool (and each other)
Stacie Doing What Stacie Does Best...It's a hard life here at Chez Dana, but someone's gotta do it
Louise et al have gone off to Orlando for a few days. In their absence, our boys have become friends with the children next door. We thought the kids were maybe five and six, but they are actually the same ages as our boys, eight and nine. They are adopted from Russia and were malnourished. Their Mom operates an adoption agency for couples wishing Russian children. They also have an eighteen month old who is normal sizewise. We had the two elder children over for the afternoon of swimming. Taffy was lifeguard. She's a swimming fool by the way. We can't keep her out of the pool when the kids swim.
We have met other new neighbors as well. This is our backyard.
The other morning as we enjoyed our coffee on the lanai I saw across the lake what I thought were puppies romping. Then a huge boar appeared. The "puppies" ran off but the boar sauntered across the yard about 50ft away and into the neighbor's yard. We were astonished. Preston and I looked out the front door about fifteen minutes later and he was slowly crossing the street.
Have I mentioned how happy I am to be living here?

Reader Comments (9)
Hey Dana, The house looks BEAUTIFUL. You all are so lucky to have such a lovely place to live and I am sure you're happy to settle in finally.
Thanks for the update, Dana. Looks like a wonderful house with plenty of room for everyone. Can't believe the wildlife. Hope it is not a danger to the kids. We are in Ct. now and may stay here for a couple of months until the heat and hurricanes subside in Florida.
Chris still remembers Hamish, he really liked him. You did not metion Hamish in your email, only Harry.
The keyboard on this computer is just awful so I don't feel like typing much more.
Howis Dan getting along? How is John taking this new life? Any luck with the sale of your house?
Your home is simply beautiful. How would Rico and Taffy like the little boarettes? Thought the resemblance between John's grandson and yours was amazing. Nothing new here to report. Blog again soon. Claudia
Thanks Dana, wail from the heart certainly stirred down in the depths of the swamps of Florida. Dare I whisper who I think Harry looks like, maybe a discreet silence there. Beware boars with your dogs, think Red Riding Hood says it all with "my, grandma what big teeth you've got"! Poor Pete, had to get him out from his armchair, just couldn't lift my bike on to the rack. Not only that but with such a time space the back brake was seized on, thanks to his efforts now working. Wasn't sure I would manage to ride it but tried a few rides in the drive. Ok going straight but with only one brake working thought I was going to be in the road with some surprised drivers. Good thing I could get my feet on the ground. Now off to pack clothes etc, preparing for anything from rain to heatwave with chilly nights in between. Oh yes, never travel without my thermals although just pray wont need them. Looks as though Taffy is very at home in the sunchair, who's in charge there? Perie stood on a wasp today, great panic, if he has problems will have no dog to work in the competitions. Cole is lame and vet says at least six weeks rest and just lead walking. Jazz too old, beginning to wonder if I will be packing for nothing. Looking forward to returning on 22nd and reading next instalment. Jill
Your home is gorgeous! I love your updates and photos. Keep them coming.
Looks great. That house neds lots of kids, noise and confusion... All houss do, actually. Some more than others.
As you probably have been warned; *Stay Away From Wild Boar*... Those are dangerous animas. They eat flesh and will knock down a human and take large chunks from calf, thigh, bicep while humans struggle. They can be quite agressive. If you have wild boar, you may also have coyotes and Florida Panthers... Yes, they do exist. As a child, when out parking and discovering exactly how grils differed from boys... we often heard panthers scream at night... sounds much like a woman being murdered...
Enjoy the house, neighborhood and central Florida. I'd recommend having a gun nearby. But I doubt it would be used and possibly could be mis-used. You might want to ask the local law enforcement folks what to do...
Of all the animals and dangers in florida, the one I fear/respect most is the wild boar. If they were close enough for the pics they possibly are not afraid of humans... If so, then you must be alert...
I know, I know, but still... I am amazed at how many Americans lack knowledge, understanding, fear, respect for the forces of nature. Florida seems to attract em from all over the world...
I'll be quiet now. Best wishes for happiness and years of joy in the new house.
Everything looks great Dana ... so happy for all of you! Could not believe Stacie ... gosh, when did our children grow up? ... and so quickly? Seems like yesterday that we were trecking across the snow covered campus in Buffalo.
Just purchased a new home in Town of Niagara ... had my eye on it for over a year ... was told it would go to a family member ... went up for sale on Tues, put in offer on Wed, accepted on Thurs ... hopefully closing by Sept 25th. Hope you can visit if you are back up this way.
Heading to the Outer Banks NC with Jeanine and the grandbabies next week and then CA and Hawaii in Sept. Wouldn't have scheduled the trips if I had known about the home purchase ... I need your coping skills since you always seem to move so effortlessly despite the bumps in the road you encounter. Ahhh ... flexibility ... truly the key to life! Enjoy! You truly deserve it!
You look as a happy family, that apart has a beautiful house.ñ I'm sure you even don't need use viagra without prescription to satisfy your wife, because you look so muscular.
Aw.... been away all this time and no update!!!!! Need next instalment to keep me fixed, definitely better than caffiene. Van wouldn't start from Ipswich seems I have intermittent electrical fault, thank goodness I refilled before arriving although satnav sent me into narrow streets in 20 mph limits, no thanks to sat nav I finally found my destination.. Not venturing out Bank Holiday, van heading for check to see if it can be sorted. Fortnight from now heading for Cotswolds and hoping for no more thunderstorms and heavy rain.