Pool Progression
Tuesday, July 20, 2010 at 4:06PM
Even though we are not moved in yet, things need to be done at the poor neglected house. Yesterday the pool man we hired arrived. I find it hard to believe, but he said we'll be swimming by this weekend. Here is what it looked like yesterday when he started with the chemicals...
Today there was already such a noticeable improvement.
Dana | 3 Comments |
Reader Comments (3)
Looking forward to hearing you are all relaxing in the pool and getting over all the stress. Jill
Hows the pool? Is it weeds I can see growing from the surrounds, in that case what happens with them, as I suppose weedkiller then barefeet wouldn't be a good idea? Also, is the small pool a hot tub, or .....? Jill
Sounds like you should have John Hiatt playing "Drive South" from hidden speakers...
and cold beer hidden out of sight... with possibly some cold Chenin Blanc for the ladies...
Congrats on overcoming the forces of darkness.... You have done well Young Skywalker