Carnivores and Dinner...

Husband has been craving steak. If he had his way, he'd eat steak every single night. I am not as much of a carnivore. I could easily live without meat. I have cut way back on the amount of red meat I prepare. I want husband's arteries clear. I took pity on him today, however. We went to Costco to pick up a prescription. They had fillet mignon for $7.99 per pound if you bought the whole fillet. We bought the whole fillet mignon and cut it into 2 inch thick steaks. We paid forty-four dollars for the whole fillet and got fourteen steaks from it. That's $3.14 per fillet mignon! We individually bagged and froze the other twelve steaks. I also picked up mushrooms and asparagus and baking potatoes. The steaks were moist and as soft as butter. Even I appreciated them. A classic dinner. Husband purred. Life is good.
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