These Little Piggies Went to Market

This is our house...
and this is our backyard...
And these were our wild pigs...
But two nights ago they did this to my neighbor's yard...
So today a man showed up with a truck with some cages and an ATV and he went back there and he rounded up the poor pigs and piglets. When I asked him where they were going he said he had a farm "down thar on SR70 down by Arcadia and I'll fatten up the big ones and raise up the littler ones 'cause I sell some jerky and sausage made from genuine wild pigs if you're interested in that kind of stuff."
When I told my neighbor how sad I was that the piggles would soon be someone's snack food, she said merely, "Wait 'til it's your lawn next time. It happens all the time and the developer has the pig catcher on retainer.You're the new kid on the block. You'll get over liking them just like I did."
I repeat...much sadness abounds here at Chez Dana. The neighbor is threatening to report the alligators next. Some people want natural Florida without the natural. For those people I offer a beautiful golf resort lakeside home on the other coast where everything is all manicured and picture perfect and no weeds or non-designer clothing is allowed. I know that the present owners are awaiting the perfect buyers...

Reader Comments (7)
Seems a shame but imagine the damage to the garden
once in they would be back to root up all these plants you are going to plant?
Thats why we are well fenced to stop deer, rabbits and badgers
Just think what the piglets as full grown boars could do apart from breeding. Oh my what big teeth you got, could well apply to them. Suppose one of your dogs got in their way, munch, munch and there wouldn't even be a squak left! There are stories of woods here now with boar in, if a dog annoys them then heaven help the pooch. Agree the pigles look sweet but at least they have had a chance to roam unlike some in these deep litters never seeing light of day. Wish we could send for someone to catch the grey squirrels ramp[aging around us. Nearly all Pete's beetroot partially munched, applese and one or two pears. Nuts, what are they all we find is shells and outer coverings where they have been dug up from the lawn to eat after burying them. If by chance we did catch one it is illegal to release them back into the wild but killing them? Thats another story. Thanks for the pics, really appreciate your efforts now we are moving into grey, drizzly days. Jill
How many cars can go in your garage, it looks huge to me? Facing your house, the window on the right is that to light the top of the stairs. How has the kitchen been sorted, dying to hear what you did about a cooker etc? So fed up, quite a bit of rain so it means its difficult for me to walk the dogs. Have some wterproof socks to wear with my sports shoes, but had one on inside out yesterday. Wondered why my foot felt wet. Just cant get my ankle to heal properly so I can wear boots of any sort.. Takes so long for sports shoes to dry as well. Someone has suggested mouthwash as that can have alchol in it, have thought of pinching some of Pete's whisky to dry it up. aughter that that was a bit extreme so back on the witch hazel.
There are things that you can never "get over liking them", but they make part of the living. I never like to see animals killed for food, but God created them for that purpose!!! At least the poor pigs and piglets will have a chance to roam around with a proper care temporarily as we are in this world. Nothing is permanent. By the way I love the look of your House!!
Please...... pretty please, do speak again. Jill
Cant seem to communicate via email, have you changed your email address? Jill
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