
“A great marriage is not when the ‘perfect couple’ comes together. It is when an imperfect couple learns to enjoy their differences.”
―Dave Meurer
With regard to the above quote...no more true words have ever been written. John and I are, in so many ways, polar opposites. If we were policemen, we'd be perfect for all the "good cop, bad cop" interrogation scenes in televison crime dramas. John of course would be the good cop. Everyone loves John. He's a totally non-controversial, "Hail fellow well met", sweet and gentle kind of guy. Me, not so much. I'm more intense, more tightly wound. Of course, John doesn't deal with any unpleasantness, such as annoying sales phone calls or bills with errors on them or big huge vine thingies the neighbors planted up against the side of our shared wall that are now threatening to pull down our new expensive copper eaves troughs. That's the laundry list of stuff with which to deal that causes one to become tightly wound and a wee bit snippy. But hey...it works for us. Napolean had his Josephine, Nicholas his Alexandra, Anthony his Cleopatra and John his Dana.
Tomorrow is a huge exciting day for us. Our Sister-in-Law, Janet and our friend Shirley arrive at the Miami Airport at around five PM. They will be here for two weeks of "girl time." We have outlet shopping planned in Orlando, a visit to Epcot and other adventures. John has been informed that his place in all of this is to stay home and mind the dogs.
Speaking of dogs...I think ours are smart because they have a four word vocabulary consisting of "pee pee", "walkies" "beddybye" and "cookie." If you have a dog you believe is smart...well, maybe not so much. Look at this pooch...
Reader Comments (1)
eat your heart out mary ray. its great dana, have seen some very good ones but that is one of the best.