Beautiful Brussels Sprouts

If you've ever had a mushy, smelly, dark, drab, olive green slimy Brussels Sprout, erase that experience from your memory banks. Brussels Sprouts are THE vegetable of the decade. Until this year I had not eaten a Brussels Sprout since 1968 or so. If you must know why, please reread the first sentence above. That's how my mother tried to serve sprouts. It was a no go. Even she spat them out. Fast forward to now. Brussels Sprouts are the darling of every well-known chef to hit food network.
The recipe below is mine. It's construction is so simple that it isn't even a recipe, but more of a blue print. These sprouts are crisp tender, flavorful and incredibly nutritious and healthy. One cup of sprouts contains a mere 60 calories and contains high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin K as well as smaller amounts of many other essential vitamins.
Here is how I did our sprouts today.
3 slices bacon diced
About 12 or so sprouts, depending on size. I used 12 large sprouts for 2 of us
a splash of lemon juice
salt and pepper
Rinse sprouts and dry with paper towel
Cut bottom off sprout and discard tough outer leaves that generally fall off when bottom is removed. You want a nice looking little mini cabbage
Slice sprouts in half lengthwise
Sautee' bacon until not quite brown
Add sprouts halves
Kiss with the lemon juice, salt and pepper
Sautee' with the bacon until the bacon is crisp and the sprouts a bit sautee'd and becoming a nice color (see photo)
Add about 1/4 cup water, cover pan and steam sprouts until just crisp tender, NOT limp, not soggy, not olive green...just pretty, cooked but still a slight crunch. You'll know it when you see it, sample an taste it...ENJOY
Reader Comments (1)
Hope John is enjoying the sprouts
Your way is nice with chicken