News From Old People Heaven West (OPHW from now on)

We're alive. We're thawing out. Winter as Florida knows it is pretty over. So over in fact, that we felt confident enough to move the space heater to our new shed (see below). I started writing this on Wednesday, January 13th. It is now Monday the 18th. Time certainly has a way of slipping away from me.
A big excitement in the past week was the arrival of our new shed. Yes, my life has gotten that small. We ordered a custom built shed to put behind the trailer now that we are on a permanent site here on the west coast. I have "stuff." Too much "stuff" to store in this small trailer as we live here for three months. Hence the shed. It's not a big shed. And, the bad news is that it aleady chocked pretty full.'s delivery generated much interest among the old retired with nothing much to do men who live here for the winter. They swarmed around like bees to the honey. If you ever want to meet old men neighbors, just get something delivered on a flat bed trailer. Make sure it's something that has to be set up and leveled and so on. You will have more old men standing around giving advice, saying how "they'd do it differently back home up north" and whispering to each other how we probably paid way too much for the shed.
In spite of all the old men natterings, I am loving the shed. Geekster that I am, I am enjoying every moment of organizing and moving things out to it.
We spent Thursday recuperating from the excitement of the shed acquisition. We had previously purchased tickets for the big Friday night dance to be held here at the old folks vacationland. I asked about dress code and never could get a straight answer from anyone. The woman next door who has dementia told me, "Oh just wear what you have on." I was wearing my slippers and jeans and holding a bag for the trash at that particular moment. Fortunatley, John developed a backache the morning of the dance and out of wifely concern for his well-being, I convinced him that it would be best if we stayed home and he rested his back Friday night...
On Saturday morning we packed up and headed to Orlando to see son, DIL and grandkids as well as planning a foray to Ikea. More on thatnext entry. We returned to the trailer this afternoon and are vegging out for now.

Reader Comments (2)
Dont think I like your photos, they have blue sky!!!! We have grey, sombe looking clouds with the threat (forecast) of wet snow this evening and tomorrow morning. The amount is supposed to be small but after the way the last forecast, or non forecast of snow and amount was, think the Met Office are just hedging their bets. Seen a cartoon already suggesting whatever is forecast then you should think the opposite. Enjoy your Orlando break, am wondering whether I dare risk putting foot to pedal tomorrow and drive to hairdressers'. Just dopnt want to do anything to slow the healing, am feeling positively trapped at present. Haven't bothered to ask the dogs their opinion have a feeling it wouldn't be a polite answer. By the way was that spanish moss hanging from the tree in your photo? Looked so good against that blue backdrop.
This is unbelievable, spoke to a friend who lives about 20 miles from me. She has heavy rain but what have we had since early morning? More white stuff! Was so looking forward to having my hair cut today, had to cancel last week because we couldn't get out of our drive due to snow, now there is a repeat performance. Looking out the window now it has at long last turned to rain but hate to think what the pavements and roads will be like. We certainly wont see any grit on our local roads, there seems to be very little left now for use on the main roads. Oh well, at least our supply of calor arrived yesterday, it was getting extremely low so that was almost panic stations, no gas means no heating. Roll on spring, just hope the bulbs and buds on the trees dont suffer too much with this prolonged cold.