Rub - A - Dub - Dub

Sorry, I have time to neither write nor answer any notes. I am deliciously happy and busy with the kind of things pictured below. As soon as KC grandsons arrive they want "dog baths" in Nana's big jacuzzi tub. Taffy is thrilled to once again be part of a pack of children. She has no idea that she is not a human child. She just thinks we force her to wear a fur coat all year long and that she is a bit language delayed with a three word vocabulary of "walkies", "cookie" and "wee wee." Daughter washed, dried and fluffed all three of the children, those two-legged and the one four-legged...such fun! I shall return after the 15th. It's off to the lagoon today.

welsh terrier in
Everyday Ramblings