Problems, Precautions and Peeps

Life is such an interesting sport...really. This morning at breakfast I said to husband, "You know, I actually feel good today. The best I've felt in a while. I think my shoulders and arms are stronger. Watch me reach up and put this into the microwave. I don't feel less fatigued yet, but that will come. Maybe doing the IVIG was the right thing."
As soon as the words were out of my mouth, the phone rang. I had had blood drawn at my primary care doctor's office yesterday in preparation for seeing him next week to refill my normal meds. It was the doctor himself...never a good sign. My white blood cell count was 340. Normal is 4,300 to 10,800. He asked me to come right over for another blood draw. He had called a hemotologist so he was getting ducks in a row. We went over, poor Evelyn redrew bood from the top of my hand and sent it out STAT for testing. Doctor told me to stop kissing the dog, to stay home until we figure out what's going on and to monitor my temp every four hours. If it hits 100, I'm supposed to head to ER for IV antibiotics.
Doctor called back a couple of hours later. Count was 420. I see the hemotologist tomorrow morning. We stopped at CVS for new thermometer and some Jack-O-lantern Peeps for me. I really don't care how fat I get.I ate the entire box of Mallomars by Sunday evening. Here's what's left of the Peeps. I plan on taking no prisoners.

Reader Comments (1)
hope things even out and just a temporary blip with your blood count. Keep updating Dana, anxious to hear how things go. lost my crown again from the tooth that makes sure i can eat properly, other side of my mouth is a bit of a no go area. nigel came home for weekend and made a really nice ciabatta roll for me. I had forgotten it was virtually a no go area for food that needed chewing. Tried to eat for half an hour, then gave up. He had also put out some specialty type of crisps to go with it. had stopped and bought them on the way home because he knew i liked them. sneaked out a side door with my plate and dogs had lunch. Dont think the horse radish flavour wiill upset their stomachs. back hospt on Monday to see if I can do more exercises than gently wave an arm in imitation of the queen.