It Really Is Nice to Fool Mother Nature

As you can see below, Mother Nature is confused about what month it is here. She evidently thinks it's April rather than January. Our high yesterday was 85 degrees (29.444C for you Brits). If I could bottle our weather, I'd be a gazillionaire. Ohhhhhhhhh...and I really do scoff at those who opine how they'd miss the change of seasons. Hellooooooooooo...what part of winter would you miss?...the snow?...the slush?...the freezing rain and ice?...those things are why Al Gore invented internet booking sites and airplanes to fly you south.
Wednesday, 9

Reader Comments (2)
Here I am, in Florida on holiday. But count me as one of the people who loves changing seasons. My only problem is that there is too much winter. Waaaaay too much winter. The same way, when we lived in the Caribbean for two years, there was waaaay too much hot and humid. I particularly missed the sensory delights of fall -- the colours, the rustle of leaves, the smell the fading summer. I like variety. I like a seasonal change of wardrobe. And I love a winter escape to a warm place!
Thanks for another lovely blog entry, Dana!
Panhandle has warmth as well as four seasons... Just enough cold to make a sweater nice accessory...Even a bit of snow from time-to-time... It falls to about 10 inches from ground then turns to rain... Just enough to call it snow.
Also fewer people means getting around is quick and traffic free. Good hospitals and a generous number of snowbirds from "T-O The Good" to make it seem civilized... we also get a large number of Germans during Spring and Fall... Nice weather and no tourists...
BTW...New haircut looks nice... Never thought of you as a "Pixie"... Maybe more Tinkerbell than Wendy.... I'll have to reconsider... Eeyore leaves to ruminate...