Hits of 2012

Memoirs of a Six Suitcase Girl in a One Bag Allowance World
Hits of 2012
- After much hemming and hawing, finally taking the plunge and buying the Zebra for the lower stairway landing. It's 4'X4'square.
- Mastering the art of pizza making and vowing to never again eating commercial varieties
- Spending the last two weeks of November including our tenth anniversary and Thanksgiving ( both falling on the same day) with family in England and enjoying a non-traditional Thanksgiving dinner of bangers and mash
Spending the first 15 nights of December aboard the gorgeous Celebrity Cruise ship, crossing the Atlantic at a leisurely pace being pampered and indulged every single moment...such bliss...
- Coming home after almost five weeks out of the country and finding that my daughter had decorated the house for Christmas
There were some misses in 2012, but I've decided that they are not important enough to record for history.

Reader Comments (2)
Nice to have you back on blog
I LOVE THE ZEBRA! What a beautiful picture to walk past every morning.
Happy New Year Dana and John, Bruce and Holly