Dear May

Dear May,
How very clever of you to sneak in when I wasn't looking. I'm glad that April is over. It was a month of so many changes for us, returning from the West, listing the house for sale, trying to resume our lives here. April flew by.
Did you know that you have always been my favorite month? I loved the rebirth that you heralded with the strong Daffodils, gentle Crocus and oh my goodness, those Lillacs. That was in another place and another time, another life. Here, in the tropics, you are just one more month of sunshine and warm temperatures. Here, you are the harbinger of the heat and humidity that will arrive and last until November. I wonder, does it make you sad to carry the hurricanes on your coat tails? Does it confuse you that we're ripping out our Impatiens because they are getting so leggy(Busy Lizzies to the Brits) rather than hoping all the frost is over so that they can be planted? It reinforces that to everything there is a season, doesn't it?
I just wanted to let you know that I still love you. I love you and I love your cohort October. I love my memories of you and of my Grandmother's gardens. Those memories last me a lifetime. Thank you for them...

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