Regular Life Stuff

In the Dawg Daze Section:
Rico has owned our hearts for exactly eighteen days. After Taffy's initial snubbing of him, they have bonded and sorted out the pack hierarchy. I am Alpha female, which is as it should be. The dogs know that. Husband is still fighting the notion of it. He's been fighting it since we met. Taffy and Rico have had two dust ups. The first when we were still in the RV. Rico decided he would join Taffy in eating dinner out of her bowl as she ate. She disabused him of that notion firmly and quickly. He lived to remember his first lesson. The second lesson was a bit harsh. One evening last week, Taffy initiated play, butt up in the air, front end down and tail wagging woofs. Rico had been begging her to play for days and she always ignored him. Upon her initiation, they played for 30 minutes, running, chasing, barking, tails wagging, fun. It was just wonderful. The next day, Rico initiated play, butt in air, tail wagging, begging to play. Taffy ignored him. She walked away and he trotted behind her and sort of jumped on her back end. Oh, No, No, No, No No! Again, Taffy let Rico know who was in charge of canine life around here. As they say, "The wind blew and the fur flew." I thought Taffy was killing Rico. He was screaming like a girl. I began screaming, husband grabbed Taffy and it was like a whirlwind. Well, Rico didn't have a scratch on him. I checked him carefully, fully expecting a trip to the emergency vet. Nope. Since then. over a week, it's been cool.
It works like this. Each dog has their own food and water bowl. When dinner is served, Taffy goes to her bowl and eats. Rico sits a respectful distance away and watches her. She finishes her bowl and then walks over to Rico's bowl and takes one mouthful while he watches her. She always takes just one mouthful, chews it and then walks out of the kitchen. It's as if she takes that one mouthful just to show him that she can and will and he needs to accept that. Once she has left the room, Rico goes over and eats his dinner. Then he goes out and joins her. That Taffy is one kick ass alpha female! As long as she's in charge, it's all good. She's a benevolent dictator and Rico gets it. I wish he'd explain it to Husband...Look...This is what the three critters I live with do all afternoon...
In the Regular Life Department:
We're having guests over for dinner this evening;
Green Salad
Cassoulet with Cannellini Beans, duck breast, garlic sausages, pork and lamb
Dauphanoise Potatoes
Steamed Mixed Vegetable with Brown Butter Sauce
Golden Peach Cake with Whipped Cream

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